I have avoided making New Year’s resolutions in recent years because I don’t have a very high success rate. I start out strong, but unfortunately I loose momentum by early February when my enthusiasm fizzles out. I chalk it up to lack of discipline and plain ole laziness!
Why “goals” instead of “resolutions”?
For example:
Resolution: I will work out 5 times a week.
- Actions I Can Take: I can find a walking buddy. I can join a gym and find an accountability partner to make sure I go 3 times per week. I can set aside 15 minutes (first thing in the morning) 3 times per week to hop on my elliptical to jump start my metabolism. I can schedule at least one 45 minute DVD workout at home over the weekend when I tend to avoid exercise. I can find / join a free on-line support group for encouragement, suggestions, information . . . etc.
So, now the question is, what goals do I want to set? Hmmmm . . . the possibilities are endless! I found an awesome questionnaire on a blog that I follow that gave me lots of food for thought. I haven’t finished answering mine yet, but I thought I would share some of the questions with you in case anyone wants to join me in goal setting. If anyone wants the complete list, leave a comment below and I will email you the entire list.
Happy New Year and may you achieve all of your goals in 2010!
Food for Thought
Compiled by Tsh @ Simple Mom
I. Personal Growth
1. What character traits would you like to see developed in your life this year? What are some specific steps you can take to develop these?
2. What are some of your learning goals for this year?
3. What books would you like to read this year?
4. What spiritual goals would you like to focus on this year?
II. Physical Health
1. What is one area of progress you’d like to see this year for maintaining or improving your physical health?
2. What are some tangible, daily choices you can add to your life that will improve your health?
III. Marriage & Family Life
1. In what ways can you grow in intimacy with your spouse this year?
2. What plans will you make to pray and/or have “family meetings” together? What books would you like to read together this year?
3. What will regular family time look like in your family this year?
4. Do you have specific planned vacation time in mind for this year? What needs to happen to make this vacation a reality?
IV. Goals for Your Children
1. What are ways you’d like each of your children to grow in the following areas?
a. Physically:
b. Emotionally:
c. Relationally:
d. Spiritually:
e. Educationally:
f. Other:
V. Money Matters
1. What is one specific area of progress you’d like to see this year in your financial health?
2. How much debt do you have? In what ways can you eliminate a portion of it this year?
3. How is your savings account? In what ways can you save more money this year?
4. Are you giving regularly? If not, in what way can you give financially this year?
VI. Relationships Outside the Home
1. In what specific way would you like to grow in relating to your friends this year?
2. What are some ways you can be of service to your immediate community?
3. Who are some specific people in your life that can use some encouragement? What will you do to encourage them this year?
4. Who are some people in your life that you admire? What are some practical ways you can positively use their influence in your life?