Here And Now Continued
2 Corinthians 4:18 – So we fix our eyes ~ not on what is seen ~ but on what is UNSEEN, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
In my continuing quest to meet God right here, right now, I have been struggling with laying every thing else aside and focusing on Him. One of the roadblocks is my To Do List. (Ah, yes . . . the perpetual To Do List.) It’s that running list I keep in my head at all times of all the things I need to do to gain control of my life. The idea is that if I can just cross everything off my list, I will find peace and be able to relax.
The problem is that I never seem to get ahead of my list! No sooner do I make some headway, when a whole new batch of things crop up that need attention. I try harder. Run faster. Work later. There is just no time to meet God NOW and take advantage of my access to His presence.
Isn’t that crazy?
If I made time for His presence, He would help me sort out what is important. He would give me the strength I need to face the challenges in my life. He would make me more efficient and effective. Even my failures would be recycled into something good! In His presence I would find the peace I am trying so hard to achieve in my To Do List.
Going back to my previous post . . . I am trying to give up my self-sufficiency and embrace unashamed dependence on Him. It’s difficult, but I’m working on it.
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