Christian Singles Valentine’s Day
Pizza, Pajamas & Pillows Movie Night
Monday, February 14, 2022
6:30 pm
The Event Center of Moorpark
14339 White Sage Road
Moorpark, California
Everyone is invited to join Jay & H.A. on Valentine’s Day for Pizza, Pajamas & Pillows Movie Night! Wear your most festive pajamas (there might be a prize), bring a comfy pillow/beach chair/bean bag to sit on, and join us for pizza/salad/sweets and a movie. Pre-registration is required so we will know how many to prepare for.
6:30-7:30 pm Pizza Party
7:30-9:30 pm Movie
If you have any questions, please call/text H.A. Schiavone at (805) 732-4622, or Jay Byam at (805) 405-2946. We look forward to seeing you soon! Spread the word to your Bible Study Group, Home Group, Friends and Neighbors. Yay!
Christian Singles Pizza, Pajamas & Pillows – $20
Save the Date!
Save The Date for these Christian Singles events coming soon! If you are on Facebook, please join the “Christian Singles Ventura County” Group Page to stay current on events and ticketing.