Beginning Ballroom
Phone: (805) 732-4622
Saturday, March 28, 2020
4:00 – 6:00 PM
Innovation Dance Center
14339 White Sage Road
Moorpark, CA
$20 Online / $25 at the Door
Let’s try something NEW!
So . . . it all started when 50+ [local] west coast swing dance friends decided to join Nino DiGiulio’s dance cruise this year (in October). We realized that if we are going to keep up with our Chicago dance family, we are going to have to step it up and learn some ballroom!
In February we enjoyed an excellent workshop with Shanna Porcari where we learned the basics of Foxtrot and Cha Cha. This month (Mar), Buddy Schwimmer will continue with Cha Cha, introduce the Waltz, and time permitting, will review Foxtrot. Shanna Porcari will be with us again in April. This is going to be FUN! These workshops are geared toward west coast swing dancers (especially those who registered for the cruise) but EVERYONE is welcome.
Attendance at all workshops is encouraged as we will be covering a different dance each month. There’s so much to learn!
For now, these workshops will coincide with our monthly Saturday Night Dance Fever events held on the last Saturday of the month (unless otherwise noted).
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact H. A. at (805) 732-4622.
Pre-registration saves $$, makes the check-in process go faster, helps us save on registration staff, and helps us plan for snacks, etc.
See ya there!